Goal of the vsoc project is to create a soccer team that can participate at the simulation league robo soccer champion ship.
The vsoc soccer players are controlled by artificial neural nets (ANNs) and trained using a genetic algorithm.
Extract the following zip file anywhere on your computer. Execute any of the command scripts to run the diffrent kinds of training camps. For more details read the readme.txt file included in the zip file.
Vsoc is hosted at sourceforge. For details visite the vsoc development page at sourceforge. Vsoc development page
To see wat is planned to be done next see the TODO list hosted at the CVS directory. TODO.txt
To check out the latest source use the following cvs repository and module. cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/vsoc co -P s4/vsoc
Ignore the other modules as they are obsolete. I created them accidently when I did not know how to use CVS correctly.
Wolfgang Wagner. Vienna/Austria. wolfgang.wagner@iname.com
sourceforge |
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This site is hosted by sourceforge. A great place for open source. |
Some other projects of mine:
wodka | Genetical soda robots | Breeds soda robots using a genetic algorithm. |
gimage | Genetical images | The artistic branch of wodka. Images are generated by genetic algorithms. The fitnesfunction is your taste. |
vgrid | The vienna grid project | A General purpose java based grid framework. One day wodka will run as distributed application. |
atan | A java interface for the soccer server simulation league. |